Pokémon Infinite Fusion offers an exciting twist on classic Pokémon regions, blending familiar landmarks with innovative new areas and challenges. Dive into the adventure with intricate puzzles and unique locations to explore.

Ruins of Alph Puzzle

Each of the buildings with a puzzle slab has a sign with a letter label on the sign. There’s 5 buildings and a 7 slab sequence you must press to solve the puzzle.

Here is a copy of the puzzle text:

Building A: A-B-_-_-C-_-A the o–er must — res—t–.

Building B: _-B-D-E-_-_-A — –der mu– — resp—–.

Building C: _-_-D-E-C-B-_ -he order —- be re–e-ted.

Building D: A-B-D-E-_-_-_ — —– —- be respected.

Building E: _-_-D-E-_-B-A the order mu– — ———.

The full text is: A-B-D-E-C-B-A the order must be respected.

Once you push them all in sequence, the floor drops you into a previously sealed hidden room in the ruins where you can change a pokemon’s Hidden Power by putting elemental plates into a basket. Warning: you have to swap plates, you can’t just take it back.

Sapphire Cave

To access Sapphire Cave, use Dive (HM06) at the diving spot south of Brine Road. You’ll need a Sapphire from the same underwater cave system to unlock the entrance. Since the deeper sections of the cave are dark, it’s advisable to bring a lantern or a Pokémon with Flash (HM08).

To reach Kyogre in Sapphire Cave, the player must first enter the rooms in the order A-C-H-I to receive the Sapphire (key item). From there, they must traverse in the order I-H-C-F-I-K to reach Sapphire Cave. The door can be opened using the Sapphire.

Deep Sea Puzzle Guide

Here is the guide of Deep Sea Puzzle Guide:

How to Reach Togepi Island:

To reach Togepi Island, follow this path: A → B → D → L → M → Togepi Island, starting from the Top Room.

Top Room

  • Overworld Pokémon: Seaking (lvl 45) and Mantine (lvl 50)
  • Items: Deep Sea Scale in the rock at the top right and in the pink seashell at the bottom left
  • Seagrass Encounters: Chinchou, Seaking, Lanturn, Seadra, Octillery (lvl 35-54)

Room A

  • Overworld Pokémon: Seadra (lvl 45)

Room B

  • No notable features

Room C

  • No notable features

Room D

  • Overworld Pokémon: Lanturn (lvl 45)
  • Item: Deep Sea Scale in the pink seashell at the top left

Room E

  • Overworld Pokémon: Lanturn (lvl 45)
  • Item: Deep Sea Scale in the pink seashell at the bottom left

Room F

  • Overworld Pokémon: Seadra (lvl 45) and Chinchou (lvl 25)
  • Item: Deep Sea Scale in the pink seashell at the top right

Room G

  • Overworld Pokémon: Lanturn (lvl 45)

Room H

  • Overworld Pokémon: Seadra (lvl 45)

Room I

  • If entering from F: Lanturn (lvl 45) and Deep Sea Scale in the pink seashell at the top left
  • If entering from H: Blue crystal contains a Sapphire, needed to open the door in Room H

Room J

  • Overworld Pokémon: Gyarados (lvl 55-65) moving rapidly; strong Pokémon or electric types recommended
  • Item: Deep Sea Scale in the pink seashell at the bottom
  • No items in rocks

Room K

  • If you have the Sapphire from Room I, you can open the entrance to Sapphire Cave
  • No wild Pokémon in the seagrass

Sapphire Cave

  • Kyogre (lvl 60) is waiting here; save your game before engaging as it will not respawn if defeated
  • After Kyogre is defeated, a vortex will appear and teleport you back to Brine Road

Room L

  • No notable features

Room M

  • Overworld Pokémon: Seaking (lvl 45) and Seadra (lvl 45)
  • A Cloyster (lvl 55) blocks the path; engage it or swim around
  • Items: Each of the three rocks contains a Heart Scale, useful for farming
  • Seagrass Encounters: Chinchou, Seaking, Lanturn, Seadra, Octillery (lvl 35-52)

Togepi Island

  • Officially named “Deep Sea,” this island provides an opportunity to catch Togepi in the wild
  • Seagrass Encounters: Togepi, Ambipom, Krabby, Togetic (lvl 23-55)

Detailed World Map of Pokémon Infinite Fusion


Unique Locations and Landmarks

  • Fusion Labs: Spread across the map, these labs allow trainers to experiment with Pokémon fusions, each offering unique tools and environments.
  • Fusion Gyms: These gyms feature leaders with fused Pokémon, presenting creative challenges and themed battles.
  • Mystery Islands: Accessible through special means, these islands harbor rare fused Pokémon, attracting daring trainers seeking unique partners.
  • Fusion Festival: A vibrant annual event where trainers showcase their best fusions, battle, and trade Pokémon amidst bustling festivities.


Pokémon Infinite Fusion combines the nostalgia of Kanto and Johto with fresh, engaging content. With detailed maps, inventive puzzles, and a wide range of Pokémon fusions, this game delivers a unique and enjoyable experience for both new and seasoned fans. Explore the world, solve mysteries, and create your ultimate Pokémon team in a game that keeps evolving and surprising.

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